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Am I the perfect person to be writing this post? Probably not. I'm not a skincare expert, but in the last 6 months to year I have REALLY made an effort to start focusing on my skincare and beauty regimen. It dawned on me that I'm not getting any younger - and as I'm encroaching on 27, there is no better time than now to start really taking care of this skin.

Let's start off with my skin's history: I struggled with acne as a teenager. I REALLY struggled until I was almost 20, to be quite honest. It was a long 8-10 years of constantly wondering how I'd wake up in the morning. I tried everything from Proactiv to prescriptions from my dermatologist, but nothing seemed to work completely until my body decided it was time to start clearing up. One morning - probably when I was a junior in college, I woke up and realized my face wasn't broken out. I remember the morning almost perfectly, although 6 years ago - it was like angels were singing to me. AMAZING!

Ok, fast forward to today, when I think I have finally figured out exactly what my face likes. Don't get me wrong - at that time of the month, I still will find a little breakout on the side of my face - but this is WORLDS better than it was back in high school and college. I'll take it.

Daily Regimen:


About 3 times per week, I start off with a good scrub. I got a facial at a local spa about a year ago (thank you, Groupon!), and they used Jack Black Face Buff for a deep cleanse. My face felt AMAZING afterward, and so I had to buy a bottle. This stuff is gentle, yet so effective at removing all the dirt and other junk on my face. I bought this bottle about a year ago and I still have some left! I just use about a small dime size amount each time, and I try to make sure I scrub it on my face for at least 30 seconds to a full minute (perfect time for day dreaming or having a fake fight in my head...).

After I get out of the shower, I use this to moisturize my face. I just recently became aware of Tula in the last month or so - and so I took a chance on this moisturizer after reading a lot of great reviews. So far, so good - it goes on very smoothly, my skin feels hydrated, and my makeup goes on smoothly. That's all I can ask for!


If I'm going to work out after work, I try to make an effort to take my makeup off before (although I am not perfect at this...) for two reasons: 1) it's embarrassing to get makeup on the white towels they give you at the gym when you wipe your face of sweat, and 2) I know it's not good for your pores. To do so, I just repeat the same method as in the morning - using the Philosophy Purity cleanser.

Before bed - regardless of whether or not I made it to the gym earlier - I have gotten very regular at making sure I clean my face of all the dirt and grime from the day. Beyond just makeup that's on my face regularly, I also like to consider all the pollution that I am exposed to every day. #gross. At night, I have started to use the Tula Purifying Face Cleanser. This does a great job at not only making my skin feel super hydrated and smooth, but it also is great at removing the rest of the makeup I have left over (even mascara!). Again - all this requires is a dime size amount at most. I can't recommend this product enough!

Sometimes, if I'm alone at night, I'll throw on a face mask. The ones I've been using quite a bit over the last year is the Sephora brand sleeping masks. I switch between all the different ones they offer. I'm not sure of their effect, but in my opinion it's just a relaxing thing to do at night (and they smell great.... And they're only $4!)

I always end my evening regimen with a moisturizer to feed my thirsty skin! Again, with the Tula Hydrating Day and Night Cream. I can't get enough of it.

So, that's that! Not too crazy - but I'm glad I have found something that works for me. I'm not an expert, but I've done a lot of research on different products. Let me know if you have any questions!

- Amanda

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